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CASA DE LA CULTURA. Casa de la Cultura in Entrambasaguas. Cantabria. Structural advice.

a/ technical architecture (site management, preparation of budgets, specifications and technical assistance during tender/bid processes, projects and building work)

e/ structural engineering (calculation of structures, projects and site management, technical assistance for tenders/bids, projects and building work)

i/ facilities engineering (calculation, projects and site management, technical assistance for tenders/bids, projects and building work)

c/ cost control and planning (assistance in all phases of the project in relation to cost control, viability, on-site attendance)

o/ project management (works management, on-site technical assistance)

v/ eco-consultancy ( LEED, BREEAM, VERDE, Passivhaus seals, energy simulation, energy savings and sustainability strategies, bioconstruction)

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